Kind words from happy clients

"Our high profile event cannot afford to have any problems. Streamline Support systems are not only rock solid and reliable, they are incredibly easy to setup and use, too." -
Event Coordinator, New York Academy of Art
"The service provided by Streamline Support since 2012 has been nothing short of exemplary. Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication to our success have made them an invaluable partner. We wholeheartedly recommend Streamline Support and we look forward to continuing our partnership for many more successful years to come."
Alex B, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Commitment from us

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Our process

Step 1: Complete our registration form

We work exclusively with 501c3 not for profit organizations and professional event planners. Once we receive your registration form, we will approve your account or ask for further details within two (2) business days.

Step 2: Decide on the amount and type of equipment you need. 

We've been supporting events for years and have developed a wiining formula. For registration, you will want one (1) station for every 75 guests, +1 for troubleshooting. For example, if you are expecting 300 guests, ideally you will have 5 stations. One of our event specialists is happy to help you decide!

Step 3: Login and add items to your cart

At checkout, provide us with the date of your event. We ship it to arrive four (4) business days prior to your event (e.g. Tuesday arrival for a Saturday event.)
60 days, 0:0:0
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